Hi guys,

I currently working on TuttleOFX projet, and using Boost GIL to perform some image process.
I wan't using color_converted_view to process clamping values on a view, witth a specific ColorConvert (CC) functor.

But with the actual code [https://github.com/tuttleofx/TuttleOFX/blob/master/libraries/terry/src/terry/clamp.hpp] , the pixel_clamp contructor was corretly called, but our functor (void operator()( const SPixel& src, DPixel& dst ) const) wasn't.
Does someone have the same bug ?
Are they more documentation anywhere on this function ( I'm refering on this link:http://stlab.adobe.com/gil/html/group___image_view_transformations_color_convert.html )
