>I'm trying to setup a MSM state machine, according to :
>I can setup a state machine level internal_transition_table to handle
>the state-independent events.
>but the build failed if the transition_table has Completion
>(anonymous) transitions.
>I did following test:
>1. if I remove the internal_transition_table, the build succeed.
>2. if I give an event to the Rows, then the build succeed tool
>Row < Initialized , none , Synchronized >,
>Row < Synchronized , none , WaitResponse ,sendPoll >,
>could anybody give me some clues about this? thanks.
>following is the code:

<snip code>



This is a bug and of the sad kind because I simply forgot a part of the code :(

I fixed the problem in trunk (rev. 78836) and now your example compiles cleanly and works correctly (from what I understood).

Unfortunately it means it will only be in 1.51.


Sorry for the inconvenience,
