I have a Visual Studio 2008 C++03 application where I'm using boost::phoenix::erase (v1.49.0) on a std::list<int> container that does not contain the element I want to erase.

This example is demonstrates the issue:

    int main()
        namespace bp = boost::phoenix;
        namespace bpa = boost::phoenix::arg_names;

        std::list< int > a;

        // works as expected (does nothing)
        a.erase( a.end(), a.end() );

        // fails a debug assertion "list erase iterator outside range"
        // Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\list\list : 790
        bp::erase( bp::ref( a ), a.end() )();

        return 0;

In release mode, this de-references an uninitialized pointer and the application crashes. Am I using boost::phoenix::erase correctly?
