thank you, Charles, Let me try it.

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:26 AM, Charles Mills <> wrote:

Comment code out from the bottom up until it goes away, and work from there.



From: [] On Behalf Of mingliang zou
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 10:41 AM
Subject: [Boost-users] Hello, I meet some complied error, Anybody know how to solve it ?


This is source code:


//====== file_dep_graph.h ======


            #include <iostream>

            #include <fstream>

            #include <map>

            #include <string>

            #include <vector>

            #include <iterator>

            #include <algorithm>

            #include <numeric>

            using namespace std;


            #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>

            #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>

            #include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>

            #include <boost/graph/property_iter_range.hpp>

            using namespace boost;




#include "file_dep_graph.h"


typedef string Name;

typedef float CompileCost;


namespace boost {

            enum vertex_compile_cost_t { vertex_compile_cost = 111 };

            BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY( vertex, compile_cost );



typedef adjacency_list<




            property<vertex_name_t, Name,

                        property<vertex_compile_cost_t, CompileCost,

                                    property<vertex_distance_t, float,

                                                property<vertex_color_t, default_color_type> > > >,

            property<edge_weight_t, float>

            > file_dep_graph2;



typedef graph_traits<file_dep_graph2>::vertex_descriptor vertex_d;

typedef graph_traits<file_dep_graph2>::vertex_iterator vertex_i;

typedef graph_traits<file_dep_graph2>::edge_descriptor edge_d;

typedef graph_traits<file_dep_graph2>::edge_iterator edge_i;


typedef property_map<file_dep_graph2, vertex_name_t>::type name_map_t;

typedef property_map<file_dep_graph2, vertex_compile_cost_t>::type compile_cost_map_t;

typedef property_map<file_dep_graph2, vertex_distance_t>::type distance_map_t;

typedef property_map<file_dep_graph2, vertex_color_t>::type color_map_t;



typedef map<Name, vertex_d> Name2Vertex;


typedef pair<Name, CompileCost> TargetProperties;

typedef vector<TargetProperties> TargetsProperties;


typedef istream_iterator<TargetProperties> TargetsPropertiesInputIterator;

typedef ostream_iterator<TargetProperties> TargetsPropertiesOutputIterator;


namespace std {


            istream& operator>> ( istream& is, TargetProperties& target_propertices )


                        is >> target_propertices.first >> target_propertices.second;

                        return is;



            ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, const TargetProperties& target_propertices )


                        os << target_propertices.first << ' ' << target_propertices.second;

                        return os;




typedef pair<Name, Name> Dependency;

typedef vector<Dependency> Dependencies;

typedef istream_iterator<Dependency> DependenciesInputIterator;

typedef ostream_iterator<Dependency> DependenciesOutputIterator;


namespace std {


            istream& operator>> ( istream& is, Dependency& dependency )


                        is >> dependency.first >> dependency.second;

                        return is;



            ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, const Dependency& dependency)


                        os << dependency.first << ' ' << dependency.second;

                        return os;




template <typename Graph, typename ColorMap, typename Visitor>

void dfs_v2( const Graph& g, 

                        typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_desciptor u,

                        ColorMap color, Visitor vis )


            typedef typename property_traits<ColorMap>::value_type color_type;

            typedef color_traits<color_type> ColorT;

            color[ u ] = ColorT::gray();

            vis.discover_vertex( u, g );

            typename graph_traits<Graph>::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end;

            for( tie( ei, ei_end ) = out_edges( u, g ); ei != ei_end; ei++ )

                        if( color[ target( *ei, g ) ] = ColorT::white() )


                                    vis.tree_edge( *ei, g );

                                    dfs_v2( g, target( *ei, g ), color, vis );



                                    if( color[ target( *ei, g ) ] == ColorT::gray() )

                                                vis.back_edge( *ei, g );


                                                vis.forward_or_cross_edge( *ei, g );


            color[ u ] = ColorT::black();

            vis.finish_vertex( u, g );



template <typename Graph, typename Visitor, typename ColorMap>

void generic_dfs_v2( const Graph& g, Visitor vis, ColorMap color )


            typedef color_traits<typename property_traits<ColorMap>::value_type> ColorT;

            typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;

            for( tie( vi, vi_end ) = vertices( g ); vi != vi_end; vi++ )

                        color[ *vi ] = ColorT::white();

            for( tie( vi, vi_end ) = vertices( g ); vi != vi_end; vi++ )

                        if( color[ *vi ] == ColorT::white() )

                                    dfs_v2( g, *vi, color, vis );



struct default_dfs_visitor {

            template <typename V, typename G>

                        void discover_vertex( V, const G& ) {}

            template <typename E, typename G>

                        void tree_edge( E, const G& ) {}

            template <typename E, typename G>

                        void back_edge( E, const G& ) {} 

            template <typename E, typename G>

                        void forward_or_cross_edge( E, const G& ) {}

            template <typename V, typename G>

                        void finish_vertex( V, const G& ) {}



template <typename OutputIterator>

struct topo_visitor : public default_dfs_visitor {

            topo_visitor( OutputIterator& order ) 

                        :topo_order( order ) {}

            template <typename Graph>

            void finish_vertex( typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor u, const Graph& )


                        *topo_order++ = u;



            OutputIterator& topo_order;



template <typename Graph, typename OutputIterator, typename ColorMap>

void topo_sort( const Graph& g, OutputIterator topo_order, ColorMap color )


            topo_visitor<OutputIterator> vis( topo_order );

            generic_dfs_v2( g, vis, color );




int main()


            //          ====== input data from file =======

            ifstream ifile( "makefile_target_properties.dat" );

            TargetsPropertiesInputIterator it( ifile ), it_end;

            TargetsProperties targets_properties( it, it_end );      



            ifstream ifile_dep( "makefile_dependencies.dat" );

            DependenciesInputIterator it_dep( ifile_dep ), it_dep_end;

            Dependencies dependencies( it_dep, it_dep_end );



            //          ======= create graph ======


            file_dep_graph2 g( targets_properties.size() );


            vertex_i vi, vi_end;

            tie( vi, vi_end ) = vertices( g );


            Name2Vertex name2vertex;


            for( int i = 0; vi != vi_end; vi++, i++ )

                        name2vertex[ targets_properties[ i ].first ] = *vi;


            for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++ )

                        add_edge( name2vertex[ dependencies[ i ].first ],

                                                name2vertex[ dependencies[ i ].second ], g );


            //          ======== set properties ========


            tie( vi, vi_end ) = vertices( g );

            name_map_t name_map = get( vertex_name, g ) ;


            for( int i = 0; vi != vi_end; vi++, i++ )

                        name_map[ *vi ] = targets_properties[ i ].first;


            tie( vi, vi_end ) = vertices( g );

            compile_cost_map_t compile_cost_map = get( vertex_compile_cost, g );


            for( int i = 0; vi != vi_end; vi++, i++ )

                        compile_cost_map[ *vi ] = targets_properties[ i ].second;


            graph_property_iter_range<file_dep_graph2, vertex_name_t>::iterator ni, ni_end;

            tie( ni, ni_end ) = get_property_iter_range( g, vertex_name );

            for( ;ni != ni_end; ni++ )

                        cout << *ni << endl;


            graph_property_iter_range<file_dep_graph2, vertex_compile_cost_t>::iterator ci, ci_end;

            tie( ci, ci_end ) = get_property_iter_range( g, vertex_compile_cost );

            cout << accumulate( ci, ci_end, 0.0 ) << endl;



            vector<vertex_d> order( num_vertices( g ) );

            color_map_t color_map = get( vertex_color, g );


            topo_sort( g, order.rbegin(), color_map ); 




            return 0;







========= complied code =========




[root@zml file_dep_graph]#g++ -o file_dep_graph2 file_dep_graph2.cpp

file_dep_graph2.cpp: In function 'void generic_dfs_v2(const Graph&, Visitor, ColorMap) [with Graph = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::directedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::property<boost::vertex_compile_cost_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_distance_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type, boost::no_property> > > >, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::no_property>, boost::no_property, boost::listS>, Visitor = topo_visitor<std::reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<void**, std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> > > > >, ColorMap = boost::adj_list_vertex_property_map<boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::directedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::property<boost::vertex_compile_cost_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_distance_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type, boost::no_property> > > >, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::no_property>, boost::no_property, boost::listS>, boost::default_color_type, boost::default_color_type&, boost::vertex_color_t>]':

file_dep_graph2.cpp:165:   instantiated from 'void topo_sort(const Graph&, OutputIterator, ColorMap) [with Graph = file_dep_graph2, OutputIterator = std::reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<void**, std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> > > >, ColorMap = boost::adj_list_vertex_property_map<boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::directedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::property<boost::vertex_compile_cost_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_distance_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type, boost::no_property> > > >, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::no_property>, boost::no_property, boost::listS>, boost::default_color_type, boost::default_color_type&, boost::vertex_color_t>]'

file_dep_graph2.cpp:225:   instantiated from here

file_dep_graph2.cpp:132: error: no matching function for call to 'dfs_v2(const boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::directedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::property<boost::vertex_compile_cost_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_distance_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type, boost::no_property> > > >, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::no_property>, boost::no_property, boost::listS>&, void*&, boost::adj_list_vertex_property_map<boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::directedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::property<boost::vertex_compile_cost_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_distance_t, float, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type, boost::no_property> > > >, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::no_property>, boost::no_property, boost::listS>, boost::default_color_type, boost::default_color_type&, boost::vertex_color_t>&, topo_visitor<std::reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<void**, std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> > > > >&)'






How can I solve this error? Anybody can help me?





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