From: [] On Behalf Of hano botha
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:02 PM
Subject: [Boost-users] Dealing with resistance to Boost


I am  trying to get my organisation to use Boost.


I have managed to get it included in source control and we have permission to use it in our unit testing.


The main objection to using it in our production code is that it could be a potential security risk. 


I suggested that we restrict the usage of boost to the template\ headers only libraries. I don't see how the templates in boost can cause more of a security risk than what we have currently with the STL. 


> My question is: How is vulnerabilities in the library dealt with? How is new vulnerabilities communicated to the user's community?


> I would also like to know historically, how many and how often were vulnerabilities discovered?


Any good references would  be great.


See which other companies are using Boost


(and this doesn't mean that they are good or bad companies, just that lots of users are not finding security risks).


Boost libraries have their share of bugs and 'features' but their very wide use tends to mean that they are found and fixed, and the release cycle is such that they are fixed much more quickly than some commercial suppliers 2 year cycle (and you can often get a 'hot fix' even more quickly from Boost trunk via SVN).


Source code of everything is fully visible, even if you use compiled libraries (which you have to do for some libraries).  What You See Is What You Get ;-)


To my knowledge, there has never been anything that could possibly be described as 'malware'.



