
    I have a situation where I would like to parse the command line options not as (int argc, char **argv)
template<typename charT>
  basic_parsed_options< charT >
  parse_command_line(int argc, const charT *const argv,
                     const options_description &, int style = 0,
                     function1< std::pair< std::string, std::string >, const std::string & > ext = ext_parser());

    but as a std::string.

    The std::string is the equivalent of the command line but obtain either from reading some file or cut and paste.

    E.g. my input string would be something like "myprog 817382 --lod="lod.cfg" --radius=3.0"

    With such string as the above, I'd like to know how I should pass it to boost::program_options

Nicholas Yue
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