
I'm currently tring to use including ordering into BJam files.

I have 2 libraries
- boostHack (header only library) defined by:
alias boostHack
	: # no sources
	: # no build requirements
	: # no default build

- libSupport defined with:

	: requirements
	: usage-requirements
	: build-dir $(BUILD)/openFX/Support
lib Support : # which using boost system library
		[ glob-tree *.cpp ]

like it mentionned here http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/doc/html/bbv2/faq.html, headers are included with alphabetical order, and I try to change order with <include>$(BOOST_HACK)&&$(BOOST_LIBS).
But with using the boost system library, it include the BOOST_ROOT directory before the BoostHack header library.

In the command, I found:
-I"/datas/mrn/dev/TuttleOFX/3rdParty/boost" -I"/datas/mrn/dev/TuttleOFX/libraries/boostHack" -I"/datas/mrn/dev/TuttleOFX/3rdParty/boost"

and I want:
-I"/datas/mrn/dev/TuttleOFX/libraries/boostHack" -I"/datas/mrn/dev/TuttleOFX/3rdParty/boost"

Can someone know how to change this including order between include directory and library dependencies ?

Marc-Antoine ARNAUD
Software Engineer

Mikros Image - Digital Post-Production for Video and Film