I think here may be the good place to get some help or instruction. So I post my question here. Thanks in advance.

I'd like to create array interprocess_mutex in mapped file, but don't know how to do that. Could you give some hints are highly appreciated? Thanks in advance! Following is my code snippet,

typedef boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex TMutex;
managed_mapped_file *pMapFile = new managed_mapped_file(open_or_create, "/tmp/test.bin",1024UL*64UL*4096UL);

TMutex *pMutex = pMapFile->construct<TMutex>("MyMutex")[50]();  // Not sure here is right or not? TMutex **? How to declare for mutex array?

//If I'd like to refer to 2nd element of this array, how can I use it?
//pMutex[2] ? for example, scoped_lock<TMutex> lock<pMutex[2]>; // it crashed 


Could you give some instruction on how to create mutex array and how to access it by [] or other ways? Thank you very much.
