Hi folks

I have the following use case: I want to store a series of time intervals in an icl::interval_set and then determine whether a single point in time intersects one of these intervals.

Here is my first stab at this:

        icl::interval_set<Time> _badMonths; // Time is an internal class which defines all comparison operators

        std::vector<int> badMonths; // populated with YYMM integers (eg: 1206 for June 2012)

        for (int m : badMonths)
            Time openInterval  = Time(2000 + m / 100, m % 100,     1);                     // 1st day of the month
            Time closeInterval = Time(2000 + m / 100, m % 100 + 1, 1) - TimeSpan::Days(1); // last day of the month

            icl::interval<Time>::type month(openInterval, closeInterval);


        // it is now my hope that _badMonths will contain a set of intervals where each interval is a month

How do I now check whether a single Time instance  intersects  one of the intervals in the set? 

        Time timepoint;
        if (_badMonths &=  timepoint
            std::cout <<  timepoint  << " intersects bad months" << std::endl;
