On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Avi Bahra <avibahra@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently I has a single threaded server based on boost ASIO.
> This works correctly most of the time.
> However on systems where i know that the disk's are slow.
> , the server grinds to a halt, when dealing with the blocking
> disk IO.
> I could not find any examples or documentation in ASIO, in
> how to get round these issues. It appears that ASIO does
> not provide any support for async' disk IO.
> So I assume this is handled by use of threads ?
> Are there any examples of using ASIO with threaded disk IO,
> since this must be very common use case ?
> Is the strand functionality appropriate for handing disk IO,
> in an async' manner.
> Any recommendations/advice on this issues would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Ta,
>     Avi
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>Hi Avi,
>If your server performs short read/writ frequently and data to be transfer
>to network depend on these operations, then multi-threading does not help a
>lot here. I would suggest you to recheck your I/O strategies and make sure
>they are optimized. e.g. buffering, cache, .. etc. If they are perfect but
>performance still bother you, then consider to use memory mapped file or

In my  case the ASIO server needs to only write to a local disk.(no reads)
One write is relatively short, i.e to a log file, to record all requests,
the other is to write periodically a in memory node tree.
This can vary between 1-100MB.
My thinking was that if I used a thread reserved for writing the
node tree, it will not block the server from handling requests,
 on slow file systems.

I will look into memory mapped files and libaio.

Ta, Avi
Boost-users mailing list

Log is a good candidate to be improved. You can look into asio's document.

Here is an online version

These documents are included in every boost distribution.

The 'Services' section involves a simple logger service which can perform write
operation in a background thread. Furthermore, you can also wrap your large
write operation as a service to achieve shorter response time. 
