
On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 4:50 PM, John M. Dlugosz <mpbecey7gu@snkmail.com> wrote:
If I make unit*test*s in different source files, I need to declare a BOOST_AUTO_*TEST*_SUITEin each one, right?
No, you can have all test cases in the Master Test suite.

At link time, these appear in some undetermined order.  How can I cause them to be run in the desired order instead?
I can come up with two ways:
1. Manual registration: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/test/doc/html/utf/user-guide/test-organization/manual-test-suite.html

2. Put all test suites in a single cpp file, they will appear in the order they come in the cpp file. Thus you can write your tests in a header file and include them in the right order in to the single cpp-file.

When dealing with manual registration you can also add dependencies to the TCs or test suites. At least it was possible in the previous version of Boost.Test (1.32 or so). Not sure if this is possible now.
