On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 11:44 PM,
<Georg.Kellerer@lfu.bayern.de> wrote:
i'd like to build a heterogenous container based on the boost::variant datastructure. My code looks like this:
// forward-Deklarationen:
class fExport FB_Ordered;
class fExport FB_Dictionary;
What's fExport?
// Typedefs
typedef boost::variant<int, std::string> keydicttype;
typedef boost::variant<
int, std::string, date, ptime,
boost::recursive_wrapper<FB_Ordered>> valuedicttype;
typedef boost::container::map<keydicttype, valuedicttype> basedict;
C:\dev\boost_1_52_0\boost/checked_delete.hpp(32) : error C2027: use of undefined Type "FB_Ordered"
what i want to do is to create a container fb_dictionary which can hold datatypes that are listed in the valuedicttype and which can accept keyvalues of int and string (see above). fb_ordered is another container defined in a diferent header file so i need
the forward declarations. Could anybody please give me a hint in the right direction? I am using vs2008.
A full, expected-to-compile example is always helpful. But the errors I'm getting with the above typedefs seem more related to the lack of this fExport keyword you're using. If I remove the fExport stuff then all the typedefs compile fine, and I don't get the
undefined type error until I try to instantiate basedict (obviously; FB_Ordered and FB_Dictionary need to be defined by then).
- Jeff