
Algocoders has been using boost since last 6+ years with a mission to help people build a better software eco-system by standing on the shoulder of giants.

If it wasn't not for boost, then it could have been really difficult for us to build our framework based on sound mathematical foundation of computer science using modern C++.

It is the pioneering efforts at boost towards "Using and Extending C++11, Boost and Beyond" which has motivated us to devote ourself in developing bullet-size capsules in the form of tiny booklets with industrial-set framework to lift the thin veil with initial focus on practical usage of C++11 vis-a-vis mathematical foundation behind it.

Web Page :

Enthused by boost, we are working tirelessly towards publishing a series of books(or booklets) which will bridge the gap between esoteric and street-side ones. Initial focus will be on C++11, Boost, Loki, STL, Algorithms, Data Structures, Multi-threading, Design Patterns, gcc, clang, valgrind.

First book in this series is :(will be available by end of November 2012)

Foundation of Algorithms in C++11, Volume 1

Using and Extending C++11, Boost and Beyond
List of books(in progress):

and so on.

We use almost all the libraries under boost including trunk and branches, especially Spirit, Phoenix, Proto, MPL, Fusion to mention a few.

