Hi Akira

An impressive body of work, which I've had reason to encounter in the past. However I'm
a little confused: your proposal seems to date from 2005-2007, well before Neil's Range 2.0
library, and yet seems in some ways to encompass and extend Neil's work. Why was your
proposed work never taken up?

Thx, Rob.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Akira Takahashi <faithandbrave@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, Robert

2012/12/10 Robert Jones <robertgbjones@gmail.com>
I was disappointed to discover that I can't write

range | filtered( some_predicate ) | sliced( n, m ) | .....

because sliced requires a random access range, and filtered produces a forward range!


It seems such a useful and obvious use-case. Is this restriction really necessary?

Thx, Rob.

I think this spec is unnecessity restriction.
My OvenToBoost's "taken" and "dropped" adaptors requirement is SinglePassRange.

I can write follow:
range | filtered(some_predicate) | dropped(n) | taken(m)

This extension is now proposing to Boost.Range.
I think "sliced" adaptor should be same requirements.

Akira Takahashi
site: https://sites.google.com/site/faithandbrave/about/en

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