

I am using boost mpi and I am having issues getting the message truncation error upon receiving a message. It is not always the same message, but it does always happen and I have been unable to figure out why. Here is the code of interest:


//send particles

              for(int i=0;i<world.size();i++)





              //receive particles

              int receive_counter=0;

              boost::optional<boost::mpi::status> msginfo=world.iprobe(mpi::any_source, world.rank());

              while (receive_counter<world.size())


                     if (msginfo)



                           for (unsigned int i=0;i<particles_received.size();i++)


                                         //add particle to its associated box in the particle grid


                                         //check to see if the particle is contained within the box

                                         if (particles_received[i].position().y()>grid_locations[particles_received[i].location_number()].bottom()

                                                && particles_received[i].position().y()<grid_locations[particles_received[i].location_number()].top()

                                                && particles_received[i].position().x()>grid_locations[particles_received[i].location_number()].west()

                                                && particles_received[i].position().x()<grid_locations[particles_received[i].location_number()].east()

                                                && particles_received[i].position().z()>grid_locations[particles_received[i].location_number()].south()

                                                && particles_received[i].position().z()<grid_locations[particles_received[i].location_number()].north())


                                                //if particle is in box, then denote it as such in the particle properties






                     msginfo=world.iprobe(mpi::any_source, world.rank());



I have left out variable definitions, but everything has the right type (including sending and receiving the same type-particles_to_be_sent[i] and particles_received are both vector<Particle>, where Particle is a type I’ve created).


I thought that boost mpi is supposed to take care of making the receive buffer the right size on its own, but something isn’t working here. Any help would be appreciated.


