On 12/11/2012 5:39 PM, Sebastian Redl wrote:
On 11.12.2012, at 16:35, Olivier Tristan wrote:


I'm trying to use a property tree with a boost::any like in custom_data_type.cpp from the examples folder.
So far, so good.

My only issue arise when I'm trying to use write_json from json_parser.
I understand that boost::any do not provide direct conversion to something that can be written into a stream, but I was wondering if there is a way to provide some conversion function
just like it's done for get and put inside the property tree itself.
json_parser was never really designed to work with anything but basic_string ptrees, and it shows. I have an open bug about using it with variant too.

So the answer is no, there currently isn't such a thing.

I see.

Thanks for the info !

Olivier Tristan | Research & Development

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