Am 29.12.2012 um 23:32 schrieb Andreas Schäfer:


since you mention both, threads and MPI, I might add that the threading
support of most MPI implementations contains some caveats, to say the
least. It is certainly possible to emulate asynchronous collectives
either by isend/irecv (although that's really tough job given the
level of optimizations at hand in any major MPI implementation) or to
just use (possibly empty) synchronous broadcasts (as Riccardo
suggested). But to get a clearer picture I'd like to ask for some

- Which MPI are you using?

I use at the moment OpenMPI (but it should be worked also under MS Windows)

- How many MPI processes do your jobs contain?

The system hast got 64 cores (on each core 2 threads can be created).

- Which threading level do you request via MPI_Thread_init()?


- How do you ensure asynchronous progress? (i.e.: mostly MPI will only
 send/receive data when some MPI function is being called. Unless
 e.g. MPI_Test is being polled or you MPI supports progress threads,
 the bulk of communication won't be carried out until you call MPI_Wait())

Each MPI process runs in the thread loop some database calls, so after each
database block I will check if there is a message from the MPI core 0 and if it
exists, all cores should be "barried". The core 0 checks after the database calls
is there is any data, if yes, it sends this data to the other cores. So I can not use
a MPI_Wait call, because this creates a blocking communication. 



On 15:15 Thu 27 Dec     , Philipp Kraus wrote:

I have got a problem to create a mpi::isend call. I have got a thread loop like:

while (thread_is_running)
     std::size_t id = 0;
     if (!mpicom.rank())
           try {
               id = getID();
           } catch (...) { }
    } else {

   if (id > 0)
          do something with id


I would like to create a non-blocking communication over all nodes, so my node with rank 0
checks if a dataset exists, if it exists, the id should be send to all other hosts. After all hosts
reveived this id, they should start the calculation. The nodes must be synchronized before the
"working part" is startet, but if there is no data send to the host, they should do nothing.

I don't know how to use isend to send a message to all hosts. I know only the mpi::any_source flag
but I can not find an any_destination. IMHO the ireceive call must be written with iprobe like

if (boost::optional<mpi::status> l_status = mpicom.iprobe( 0, myTag ))
std::size_t id = 0;
       mpicom.recv( l_status->source(), l_status->tag(), id )

Is there a way to create a non-blocking group communication? How can I send if data exists, a message
to all nodes and receive it on each node also with non-blocking communication?

Thanks for your help


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Andreas Schäfer
HPC and Grid Computing
Chair of Computer Science 3
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
+49 9131 85-27910
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