On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:43 AM, John Lilley <john.lilley@redpoint.net> wrote:
I am trying to figure out which libraries to build on Windows. I really only need "polygon" and "geometry". But what libraries these dependent on that also need to be built? I've tried to query which will be built and I'm not getting the expected results, for example:
$ ./b2 --show-libraries --build-type=complete
The following libraries require building:
- chrono
- context
- date_time
- exception
- filesystem
- graph
- graph_parallel
- iostreams
- locale
- math
- mpi
- program_options
- python
- random
- regex
- serialization
- signals
- system
- test
- thread
- timer
- wave
Hmmmm... where is polygon and geometry?
$ ./b2 --show-libraries --build-type=complete --with-geometry
error: wrong library name 'geometry' in the --with-<library> option.
Help please?