2013/2/15 TONGARI <tongari95@gmail.com>
Hi Christian,

2013/2/15 TONGARI <tongari95@gmail.com>
2013/2/15 Christian Henning <chhenning@gmail.com>
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:13 PM, Christian Henning <chhenning@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>>     // I have no idea why this exists, seems OK to remove it
>>>     template <typename Scalar> packed_channel_value(Scalar v) { _value =
>>> static_cast< integer_t >( v ) % num_values; }

I have uploaded the revised packed_channel_value class. Please have a
look when you get a chance.

Ah, too bad, I just edited the file to get it work w/o that overload...
Ok, I'll check it now.

Seems you haven't made any change to `channel.hpp`.
Here's my patch for some possible improvement with care of not breaking the current API., I only tested the testcase `channel.cpp`.

If you find any flaw or improper, please let me know.

Sorry, there's a fatal bug, please ignore the previous, here's the fixed one.