I am trying to determine if boost.geometry handles certain cases of spherical coordinates.  Suppose you have county outlines of Alaska.  The Aleutian Islands chain crosses the anti-meridian, and so contains latitudes that are in the ranges [ 180 – delta … 180 ] and [ -180, -180 + delta ] where delta is < 20 degrees or so.


Simple (2D planar) point-in-polygon and polygon intersection algorithms fall down on these cases due to anti-meridian crossings and flipping between +/- values.  Does Boost geometry deal with these issues “correctly”? 


I put correctly in quotes because there is some real ambiguity in the coordinate system (maybe the polygon really does wrap around the world?), but one could apply a “minimum perimeter” heuristic and normalize the polygons before performing the computation by moving the [ 180 – delta … 180 ] range over to [ -180 – delta … -180 ] or vice-versa.


