I can't speak to how your graph is wired up, but it seems to me that somehow you need to keep track of nodes visited, more than simply nodeInit (possibly).

I didn't do this in C++ boost, per se, but I have done something similar in C# .NET using PowerCollections Graph. I had different node traversals analyzing volumetric flow (pipes, substance, etc) through different connectors (valves, and such), and needed to analyze communication between volumes.

Enter graph traversal. I ended up keeping track of nodes visited to detect my terminal case. Very fast, very clean, if a little inefficient because of the overhead needing a collection (list, C++ STL vector if you will). You pass in a new vector<> and could be the same one throughout the recursive call.

Worked like a charm.

Good hunting!



On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 4:20 AM, Amanullah Yasin <amanyasin@gmail.com> wrote:

In Hill Climbing algorithm, before applying an operation "add_edge", "reverse_edge" or "remove_edge", I need to check whether the graph will be a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) or not. So there is recursive function but in some cases it goes in infinite loop and gives "stack overflow" error.
//======= Function =======
bool myAlgo::remainsADAG(const Node_type& nodeInit, const Node_type& node,  const Graph_type& graph)
  graph_traits<Graph_type>::adjacency_iterator vi, vi_end;
  tie(vi, vi_end) = adjacent_vertices(node, graph);

  for (; vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
    if ((*vi == nodeInit) || (!remainsADAG(nodeInit, *vi, graph)))
      return false;
  return true;
e.g. for Graph

To test if there is a directed path between v12 and v32
it goes as:

There is an infinite loop{18->19->20->23, 24->31->18}.
Can some one help me or is there any other easy way to find a directed path between two nodes in boost graph?

Thanks in advance.

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