On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Brian Budge <brian.budge@gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that Proto is for compile-time DSL.  ie C++ code that looks like a DSL.
> So the queries would be hard-coded into the C++ code.
> Spirit is for parsing text.
> Assuming the end-users will be building the queries on the fly, Spirit is
> probably the right choice.
> Tony

Don't know Proto, although possibly, perhaps yes, if necessary.

I expect that we'll have some species that are configuration-driven, some of that configuration is for things like parser-generated calibration, and testing. Basically, testing bottom line says: did this series of data match the species question? Yes, potentially, enter Spirit.

We do something akin to that using Lunula in the C# .NET world today, a crude DSL that yields those type of answers. Now we're migrating to a next generation, Linux / C++ based solution, so my interest in Boost, Spirit, etc.

Thanks Tony for the info.
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