On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Niitsuma Hirotaka <hirotaka.niitsuma@gmail.com> wrote:
There are two type is_foo_type functor
For example
can be

template<typename T>
struct is_double_template : boost::is_same<T,double>


struct is_double_runtime
  template<typename T>
  bool operator()(T x){return false;}
  bool operator()(double x){return true;}

Are there any standard naming rule distinguish these functor?

I don't think so, but reasonable alternatives are:
- Name them the same thing (union the above definitions).
- Name the structs the same, but put them in different namespaces (e.g., mpl and functional).
- Name them static_foo and foo (this is the convention used by Boost.Math, I think, for integer functions).

is_foo_compiletime ?

The compile-time functor can convert to runtime factor using :

template<typename IsTemplateMplLambda>
struct  is_templated_type_to_runtime
    struct is_templated_type_runtime {
    template<typename T>
    bool operator()(T)
      return boost::mpl::apply<IsTemplateMplLambda,T>::type::value;
  } type;

Oh, so then what do you need the runtime foo one for? :)

- Jeff