I'm trying to use some of the compiled boost libraries for an iOS project. Ideally, it would be nice to get a framework, but getting anything which works would be great.

I've tried following the instructions here http://goodliffe.blogspot.com/2010/09/building-boost-framework-for-ios-iphone.html to build a boost framework, making the obvious changes to the version numbers of the SDK and Boost, and swapping the compiler to llvm-gcc-4.2 because I don't seem to have gcc-4.2.
However, I get errors like this:

boostoniphone/src/boost_1_52_0/tools/build/v2/build/feature.jam:767: in expand-composites from module feature
error: explicitly-specified values of non-free feature <toolset-darwin:version> conflict
error: existing values: 4.2.1~iphonesim 6.0.0~iphonesim
error: value from expanding  <toolset-darwin:version>6.0.0~iphonesim : 6.0.0~iphonesim

I've also been trying this approach here
which seems to be building most of the .a files OK.

I'm not particularly experienced with build systems and libraries (I do algorithms and statistics usually) so I have a few of questions:

Is there some obvious way to make the framework script work?

Is there some way to just use the .a files I'm getting from the second approach and bundle them up?

Or do I just add the .a files generated by the second approach to my project and be done with it?

Has anyone else done this by another method, or can suggest how to set user-config.jam to get the libraries I want?
