My MFC has a text box that stores the result from a "choose directory" dialog box. I encounter problems when I try to create a path object from the value of this textbox. The debugger shows the value of scanPath (what I call my path object) to be "" which is then causing hangs and exceptions...
Below is the code I am trying to use. I do not see why the constructor will not recognize the parameter I am passing to it:
//m_scanPath is a control variable for the textbox containing the directory.

CString temp2;    //Since the stuff in the textbox is a CString.

m_scanPath.GetWindowText(temp2);       //Get the directory entered in the textbox.

const char * tempString = temp2.GetBuffer();     //Convert it to a const char *.

fs::path scanPath(tempString);            //This does not work even though the param is a const char *)

What am I doing wrong? I imagine it is some type of type casting problem?

Thanks in Advance,


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