
I am interested to put an event broker system into practice in our architecture.

Since we're using boost successfully already, Signals2 seems like the most likely candidate.

At the moment, this is intra-process, most likely inter-thread but for now that's not the concern. Just getting event signals from point A to points B, C, D in pub/sub manner, however, is.


If I can abstract that out further, for instance I noticed there was an C# event-like abstraction someone published as an add-on feature to boost a little while back, handled subscriptions through +=, -= operator overloads, that sort of thing, would be helpful, but probably not completely necessary.

If I can loosely couple subscribers from publishers is also desired. Something like bbv EventBroker (http://code.google.com/p/bbvcommon/wiki/EventBroker) is to C#. That'll keep things nice and loosely coupled, so that if we ever need to get more distributed (i.e. via a CORBA or ZeroC) we can potentially do so.


Michael Powell