Please forgive me if this question has been answered but I've searched for days now and cannot find it.
How do I expose a c++ struct with a bit field to python using boost::python?
When I try I get this error.
error: invalid pointer to bit-field ‘frameHdr_s::hdrSize’
Here is the struct:
#define DATA_SIZE 0x100
typedef struct frameHdr_s
// Longword 0
uint32_t hdrSize : 16; ///< Size of the header
uint32_t revMin : 8; ///< Frame Minor Version
uint32_t revMaj : 8; ///< Frame Major Version
// Longword 0
uint32_t hdrSize; ///< Size of the header
uint32_t revMin ; ///< Frame Minor Version
uint32_t revMaj ; ///< Frame Major Version
} frameHdr_t;
typedef struct frame_t
frameHdr_t frame_header; ///< frame header
uint8_t data[DATA_SIZE]; ///< Byte array of data
} frame_t;
Here is boost code to expose it:
using namespace boost::python;
.def_readwrite("hdrSize", &frameHdr_t::hdrSize)
.def_readwrite("frame_header", &frame_t::frame_header)
.def("register_callback", &myClass::register_callback)
.def("boo", &myClass::boo)
.def("crap", &myClass::crap)
I know that with ctypes I can create the same struct as in c++:
from ctypes import *
class frameHdr_t(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
# Longword 0
("hdrSize",c_uint32, 16),
("revMin",c_uint32, 8),
("revMaj",c_uint32, 8),
DATA_SIZE = 0x100
class frame_t(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
("data",c_uint8 * DATA_SIZE),
But how do I translate from the Python version of frame_t to the c++ version of frame_t?
In summary,
* How do I tell boost to expose a bitfield?
* If that is not possible, how do I translate from Python frame_t to C++ frame_t using boot? (I don't want to wrap in C because I need to preserve the C++ness of the interface.)
The code is attached.
Thank you for your time,