Le 07/04/13 22:48, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 07/04/13 21:24, Klaim - Joël Lamotte a écrit :

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba <vicente.botet@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
Maybe, there is a difference between the interface std::vector you use in this example and your WorkQueue. Could you provide the prototype of the functions you are using of WorkQueue?

Yes that's what I reported before: this code works until you use both boost::future/promise AND WorkQueue. I currently fixed production my code by just using std::future/promise.
I've provided the full source code of WorkQueue in my first mail. I'll re-provide it here.
It's a thin wrapper around a tbb::concurrent_queue<std::function<void()>> .  (I'm using TBB 4.1 U2)
Unfortunately the only clue that I can think about is that this container don't allow move-only value-type, so maybe it's linked to the problem
but if not I have no idea.
I also reported in the tbb forum see if they can spot something but the mix makes things hard to understand.

Joel Lamotte


class WorkQueue

template< class WorkTask >
void push( WorkTask&& task )
m_task_queue.push( std::forward<WorkTask>( task ) );

/** Execute all the work queued until now. */
void execute()
if( m_task_queue.empty() )

bool end_of_work = false;
m_task_queue.push( [&]{ end_of_work = true; } );

std::function<void()> work;
while( !end_of_work && m_task_queue.try_pop( work ) )


mutable tbb::concurrent_queue< std::function<void()> > m_task_queue;

The main difference I see is the way the function is obtained:

When using vector the 'work' variable is a reference to the queue back, there is no move no assignment of function<void()> objects.

      auto work = work_queue.back();

When using tbb the 'work' variable is default constructed and copied using try_pop (see below).

std::function<void()> work;
while( !end_of_work && m_task_queue.try_pop( work ) )

I suspect that there could be an issue with the Boost.Thread implementation here.

I don't master lambdas yet: does this the following code mean that work_queue is taken by reference and promise by value on the pushed lambda object?

  auto do_some_work = [&]()-> boost::future<int*>
    auto promise = std::make_shared<boost::promise<int*>>();
    work_queue.push_back( [=]
      promise->set_value( &TRUC );

    return promise->get_future();


From tbb documentation

bool try_pop ( T& destination )

If value is available, pops it from the queue, assigns it to destination, and destroys the original value. Otherwise does nothing.

Returns: True if value was popped; false otherwise.

I've changed the example to force copy semantics with std::vector


#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <future>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>

int TRUC = 42;
int main()
   std::vector< std::function<void()> > work_queue;

  auto do_some_work = [&]()-> boost::future<int*>
    auto promise = std::make_shared<boost::promise<int*>>();
#if 0
    work_queue.push_back( [=]
      promise->set_value( &TRUC );
    auto inner = [=]()
      promise->set_value( &TRUC );


    return promise->get_future();


  auto ft_value = do_some_work();

  while( !work_queue.empty() )
#if 0
      auto work = work_queue.back();
      std::function<void()> work;    
      work = work_queue.back();

  auto value = ft_value.get();
  assert( value == &TRUC );
  return 0;

Could you try it on your environment?
