On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba <vicente.botet@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
I've changed the example to force copy semantics with std::vector
Could you try it on your environment?

Yes, I just tried it and I think I've mixed up things in previous email:
 - first, the two defines, as I was saying, seem exactly equivalent, but I still tried both, in doubt;
 - both cases, (#if 0 and #if 1) FAILS: 'value' is equal to DDDDDDDD in Debug mode in both cases. 
 - I also tried with std::future/promise : both SUCCEED.

So apparently the problem seem to lie only in boost::future/promise, not specifically with WorkQueue.

I tested only inside my specific test environnement, to be certain I'll try again with an empty project.

It's all under VS2012 , I'll try VS2010 too. Looks like another VC-specific problem for boost?

Joel Lamotte