On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Kerry, Richard <richard.kerry@atos.net> wrote:
"or be authorized to use in some companies"
How can that be so ?
If they want you to compile stuff how can they not allow you the resources to do so ?

Some companies will forbid usage of separate OS from the one they provide you if you will.
"dual boot"
You could use Virtual Machines - that's what I do for odd platforms.

Yes, but it's still a heavy solution compared to just have a way for the CMake FindBoost module to find the right binaries.
Using a virtual machine running Win 7 64bit into a Wind 7 64bit just because CMake have no way to find the right binaries because boost don't have
a convention on identifying binaries is a bit ridiculous to me. There must be a way to have a simple solution which works for everybody.

Why are everybody wanting me to use complicated setup when a simple convention on where to find by default what would solve this problem?

Joel Lamotte.