Hi -

I seem to have run into a regression with boost::variant from 1.48 to 1.53.  With C++11 enabled, using g++, the following code seems to confuse variant's constructor selection machinery: if you look at the line after #ifndef WAR, the implicit conversion isn't happening, and so boost::variant attempts to convert construct from extract<my_variant> to A or B. It should instead copy construct from the output of extract<my_variant>'s implicit conversion to my_variant.  If I force an explicit conversion, this problem doesn't occur. If I don't enable c++11, this problem doesn't occur. With Boost 1.48, this problem doesn't occur.

Any advice from the list as to why this behavior changed?


#include <boost/variant.hpp>

//A simplified wrapper
template<typename T>
struct wrap {
    T t;
    wrap(T& _t) : t(_t) {}
    operator T() const {
        return t;
    T force() const {
        return t;

struct A{}; struct B{};

typedef boost::variant<A, B> my_variant;

int main() {
    A a;
    my_variant x(a);
#ifndef WAR
    my_variant y = wrap<my_variant>(x);
    my_variant y = wrap<my_variant>(x).force();

And the error:

/home/bcatanzaro/boost_1_53_0/boost/variant/variant.hpp:1574:9: error: no matching function for call to ‘boost::variant<A, B>::initializer::initialize(void*, std::remove_reference<wrap<boost::variant<A, B> >&>::type)’