On 2013/5/29, at 23:22, "Journeyer J. Joh" <oosaprogrammer@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Igor R,

I have one answer to your question and one new question for you and other people.

>> Don't the following notes aswer your question?

1. I am sorry but it is no because there is no statement whether the epoll is edge-triggered or level-triggered. It only said like the one shown below.
Linux Kernel 2.6

Demultiplexing mechanism:

 Uses epoll for demultiplexing.

I downloaded latest boost 1.53.0 and searched for epoll_create, epoll_wait, and many socket APIs for linux and windows but failed to find api calls for those.

I expected that I would find api calls for those.

2. If it - boost.asio - doesn't call these api, how boost.asio implemens it's functions?

Thank you very much.

Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m

2013/5/29 Igor R <boost.lists@gmail.com>
> I have some questions about boost's async IO implementation for linux.
> 1. Does it use edge-triggered epoll to implement the Proactor (in terms of
> Reactor)?
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/core/async.html
> The guide above says that boost's Proactor is implemented in terms of
> Reactor when it comes to Linux.
> If it is based on Reactor, I guess it should be level-triggered epoll.
> 2. Am I right?
> Then my question is
> 3. Does boost use edge-triggered epoll in any kind of async IO on linux?
> 4. Isn't edge-triggered epoll a good method to implement async IO on linux?

Don't the following notes aswer your question?
Boost-users mailing list

Boost-users mailing list


Check out boost/asio/detail/impl/epoll_reactor.ipp
