On 2013-06-14 17:24:40 +0200, Philipp Kraus said:
I have got created an extended_p_square_quantile into an accumulator, with 3 quantils (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) as a boost::array.
How can I get access to the quantil values of the accumulator? For the variance I use accumulator::variance(myacc), but a call with
quantil(myacc, 0.5) does not work.
I use for reading the quantil value
namespace bac = boost::accumulator
bac::quantil( myvar, bac::quantile_probability = 0.5)
but the value is very different of the median. If I run median & 0.5 quantil, the median results eg 930.67932 and the quantil
value is 0. So I can not explain this large difference. My accumulator uses median & 0.5 quantil, so the accumulator
is used equal data.
Can anybody help me please to fix this problem?