I'm trying to write a wrapper class in C++ to give mutex synchronised interprocess access to a shared memory vector of strings. This is my first foray into boost::interprocess and allocators are proving something of a mystery.

Is anyone able to see why on compilation I get the error:

error C2512: 'boost::interprocess::allocator::allocator' : no appropriate default constructor available C:\Program Files (x86)\Boost\boost_1_53_0\boost\container\string.hpp

#ifndef SHARED_MEMORY_WRAPPER_H//if not defined already

#define SHARED_MEMORY_WRAPPER_H//then define it


#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>

#include <boost/interprocess/containers/vector.hpp>

#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>

#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>

#include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_mutex.hpp>


using namespace boost::interprocess;


class SharedMemoryWrapper



SharedMemoryWrapper(const std::string &name, bool server) : m_name(name),        m_server(server)


if (server)





        //Create shared memory

        managed_shared_memory m_segment(create_only, m_name.c_str(),  10000);        


        //Create allocators

        CharAllocator charallocator(m_segment.get_segment_manager());

        StringAllocator stringallocator(m_segment.get_segment_manager());


        //This string is in only in this process (the pointer pointing to  the

        //buffer that will hold the text is not in shared memory).

        //But the buffer that will hold "this is my text" is allocated from

        //shared memory

        MyShmString mystring(charallocator);

        mystring = "this is my text";


        //This vector is fully constructed in shared memory. All pointers

        //buffers are constructed in the same shared memory segment

        //This vector can be safely accessed from other processes.

        MyShmStringVector *sharedSegmentVector = m_segment.construct<MyShmStringVector>("sharedSegmentVector")(stringallocator);






        //Open the shared segment

        managed_shared_memory m_segment(open_only, name.c_str());

        //Find the vector using the c-string name and open it

        MyShmStringVector *sharedSegmentVector = m_segment.find<MyShmStringVector>("sharedSegmentVector").first;


    m_mutex = new named_mutex(open_or_create, "named_mutex");





    if (m_server)




        //Destroy the vector from the managed_shared_memory

        m_segment->destroy_ptr(sharedSegmentVector);//This will free all strings that the vector contains

        m_segment->destroy<MyShmStringVector>("sharedSegmentVector");//Destroy the vector


        //Is it necessary to destroy the allocators here?


        //Remove the managed_shared_memory; this may fail if the memory does not exist or is mapped or opened by another process




    delete m_mutex;

    delete m_segment;




void push(const std::string & in)


    scoped_lock<named_mutex> lock(*m_mutex);

    MyShmString inStr = in.c_str();




//Reader function yet to be coded.  Needs to return a vector containing a subset range of elements from the shared-memory-vector.




typedef boost::interprocess::allocator<char, managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> CharAllocator;

typedef boost::interprocess::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, CharAllocator> MyShmString;

typedef boost::interprocess::allocator<MyShmString, managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> StringAllocator;

typedef boost::interprocess::vector<MyShmString, StringAllocator> MyShmStringVector;


bool m_server;

std::string m_name;


managed_shared_memory *m_segment;

MyShmStringVector *sharedSegmentVector;

named_mutex *m_mutex;


#endif//header guard


With thanks,

