Hi Zhiyu,

I have the same impression of BGL-Python.  However, there is graph-tool (http://projects.skewed.de/graph-tool/) which exposes an interface to BGL.  I have barely started using it so I don't know how good it is.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:01 AM, lizy10b <lizy10b@126.com> wrote:
Hi there,
   I would like to know what is the status of the BGL-Python Bindings project?
The Boost 1.53 document says that "The Python bindings for the BGL are now part of a separate project" and links to  http://www.osl.iu.edu/~dgregor/bgl-python/
   On that page I find that the latest version is 0.9 which was released in 2005.
   So it means the BGL-Python Binding project is not on going?
   Is the BGL-Python Bindings 0.9 compatible to Boost 1.53 ? Or any other ways to use Boost graph functionalities in python?
Zhiyu Li


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