Hi John Reid ,
Thanks fo your reply.
I have some questions about the statements in README file of BGL Python 0.95.
It says "You must have a complete Boost distribution available (e.g., retrieved via CVS or as part of a
    Boost tarball) to compile the BGL-Python: 
the BGL-Python bindings will not compile properly with already-installed Boost trees."
First, I have got the complete Boost distribution (1.52,ZIP) and extracted it to a path, and added the path as the value of the environment variable BOOST_ROOT.
Second, What does it mean by "the BGL-Python bindings will not compile properly with already-installed Boost trees"?
Should I build the boost.python before calling bjam inside BGL Python 0.95 source dir ?
Or there is no need to build the boost.python separately, as the BGL Python 0.95 build process will build it and use it to continue to build the BGL Python binary automatically ?
Without BGL Python, I could build the boost.python based on current configuration, and all the boost.python example passed successfully.
Zhiyu Li


发件人: John Reid
发送时间: 2013-06-28  17:54:23
收件人: boost-users
主题: Re: [Boost-users] Problem in building the BGL Python 0.95 on Windows
On 20/06/13 09:18, lizy10b wrote:
> Hi there,
>   I have got the latest BGL-Python 0.95 from svn (thanks to
> John), but I can't build it.
> My environment:
> Windows 7 x64, Python 2.66 x86, MPICH2 1.32 x86, VS2010
> I have tried the following steps:
> 1. The boost 1.53 source code distribution dir (newly extracted from the zip package) is E:\boost_1_53_0, 
>      the BGL Python 0.95 source code dir is E:\bgl-python_svn_095
> 2. Add a new environment variable, name: BOOST_ROOT, value: E:\boost_1_53_0
> 3. Append the boost 1.53 source code distribution dir (E:\boost_1_53_0) to the environment variable "PATH"
> to expose later built bjam.exe file.
> 4. Add some lines to the file user-config.jam (E:\boost_1_53_0\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam)
> import toolset : using ;
> using python : 2.6 : "C:\\Python266" : "C:\\Python266\\include" : "C:\\Python266\\libs" ;
> using mpi : :
>     <find-static-library>mpi
>     <library-path>"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\MPICH2\\lib"
>     <include>"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\MPICH2\\include"
>   : 
>     "\"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\MPICH2\\mpiexec\""
> ;
> 5. Open the vs2010 commandline window (Visual Studio Command Prompt 2010) 
> 6. Navigate to boost 1.53 source code distribution dir to build the bjam.exe:
> type bootstrap.bat
> 7. Then navigate to the BGL-Python-0.95 source code dir and type
> bjam --prefix=E:\boost_1_53_0\release32 stage toolset=msvc-10.0 variant=release link=static address-model=32 architecture=x86 threading=multi runtime-link=shared install
Did you try building one of the boost.python examples (available
somewhere like $BOOST_ROOT/libs/python/examples)? That might be the
simplest way to test your boost.build python configuration.
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