Hi Kirk Joppy

I believe open talk would benefit everyone else for now and future.
So I think we'd better go through making a wiki about questions and answers about wxboost.


If you write down questions there, I will write my answers for them.
And also anyone interested can answer.

Also any voluntarily work and pull request is welcomed.

Best regards

Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m

2013/7/3 Kirk Joppy <kirk.joppy@gmail.com>

I have recently been trying to get boost and wxWidgets running with
MinGW on Windows 7. As you have the same setup on your Windows system
I'd like to talk with you directly about how you got that all working.
If you're interested please let me know and I'll post my email
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