Thanks for your support !
I exported the two inputs which produce the error during the algorithm execution and I wrote a simple program appart with thoose polygons. I also simplified a little the inputs and i was able to reproduce the problem (see attached source file main.cpp).
The toy program has two input polygons and generates the union. Here are the two input polygons:
"-0.973360121250153 0.194701105356216,"
"-0.923463344573975 0.184775948524475,"
"-0.858578622341156 0.141421362757683,"
"0.18477588891983 2.07653665542603,"
"0.141421347856522 2.1414213180542,"
"-1.18477594852448 -0.076536700129509,"
"-1.1414213180542 -0.141421377658844,"
"-0.973360121250153 0.194701105356216"
"-0.14142133295536 1.8585786819458,"
"-1.1414213180542 -0.141421377658844,"
"-1.07653665542603 -0.184775933623314,"
"-0.076536625623703 1.81522405147552,"
"-0.14142133295536 1.8585786819458"
And here is the output polygon, printed to stdout:
-0.19351507723331451416 1.5812671184539794922
-0.07653662562370300293 1.8152240514755249023
-0.1414213329553604126 1.8585786819458007812
-0.72200763225555419922 0.69740593433380126953
-1.1847759485244750977 -0.076536700129508972168
-1.1414213180541992188 -0.14142137765884399414 <- A
-0.9733600616455078125 0.19470109045505523682 <- here is the puncture
-1.1414213180541992188 -0.14142137765884399414 <- point equal to A
-1.0765366554260253906 -0.18477593362331390381
-0.89969980716705322266 0.1688976585865020752
-0.85857862234115600586 0.14142136275768280029
0.18477588891983032227 2.0765366554260253906
0.14142134785652160645 2.1414213180541992188
-0.19351507723331451416 1.5812671184539794922
I'll attach the generated SVG for inputs and output.
As you suggested, I also tried to use double instead of float. The result is different (note: not all digits printed for doubles) :
-0.19351506716472754999 1.5812671771090451855
-0.07653662562370300293 1.8152240514755200174
-0.14142133295535999626 1.8585786819457998931
-0.72200777157880025037 0.69740575279044780821
-1.1847759485244799826 -0.076536700129508999924
-1.1414213180542001069 -0.14142137765884399414 <- A
-0.97336012125015303198 0.19470110535621598657 <- one new extra-point
-0.97336008742385127235 0.19470109862769818809 <-
-1.1414213180542001069 -0.14142137765884399414 <- point equal to A (I checked till last digit, not shown here)
-1.0765366554260300536 -0.18477593362331398708
-0.89969984067827302177 0.16889768269682844948
-0.85857862234115600586 0.14142136275768299458
0.1847758889198299892 2.0765366554260298315
0.14142134785652199502 2.1414213180542001069
-0.19351506716472754999 1.5812671771090451855
With double precision, a kind of hole is created instead of a puncture, but I don't know if this should be accepted as a good polygon...
One more thing I forgot to mention: I'm using boost 1.53 - I see another version has been released very recently and I think i'll give a try with it asap.
I'm not very familiar with Boost.Geometry, so maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm expecting too much.