I haven't used autotools in mingw/msys environment but
I think you can specify those paths with autotools also.

Makefile.am is for those purpose in my case.

bin_PROGRAMS = logging_client

logging_client_CPPFLAGS = \

logging_client_SOURCES = \

logging_client_LDFLAGS = \

logging_client_LDADD = \

This is one sample I use in Linux not in msys though.
You can specify whatever you need this way.

I don't know if this works same in msys though..


Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m

2013/7/6 Kirk Joppy <kirk.joppy@gmail.com>
> I didn't use pkg-config.
> I didn't copy any header or library files of boost.
> I specified those paths on the IDE, code::blocks.

I see. So you don't use autotools but rather use Code::Blocks on both
Windows and Linux. This may be a good option. I started using
Code::Blocks in the beginning but stopped because the project I'm
trying to build is distributed with autotools files for building.
Maybe the right strategy is to instead use an IDE to drive the build.
Thanks for the suggestion.
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