Hi Nestor,

I think I have overlooked your original message. Sorry for that.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Nestor Morales Hernández <nestor@isaatc.ull.es> wrote:

I'm a newbie in this library and I feel a little bit lost. I have the following problem:

I currently have an image of the type ` boost::gil::rgb8c_view_t`. I need to pass it to a function (from a code I don't mantain) with this prototype:

I'm assuming you know the difference between a rgb8_image_t and rgb8_view_t. If not let me know.

void function(const boost::gil::rgb8c_view_t& input, const int index, const boost::gil::rgb8c_view_t::view_t &output)

I have created an output image by using the following syntax:

boost::gil::rgb8c_view_t::view_t output(input._dynamic_cast<boost::gil::rgb8c_view_t::view_t>());

There is no view_t in rgb8c_view_t. Just use rgb8c_view_t.

Also, do you know why you use a gil::any_image? I mean do you really need that?
