I've been attempting to use Boost.Iostreams with two filters to compress + encrypt ("out") and decrypt + uncompress ("in"). This works for some files, while others throw an exception during the "in" phase. If I remove either of the filters for out/in (e.g. remove the compress or the encrypt) everything works fine -- the issue only occurs with two filters chained.

From what I understand in the documentation, this should be supported, but I must be missing something. Below is the relevant portions of my code:

Input & output cipher filters (note: I'm using Boost.Crypto, and boost::crypto::rc4_cipher specifically)

template <typename StreamCipherT>
class StreamCipherFilterBase
typedef char char_type;

StreamCipherFilterBase(const std::string& key)
m_cipher.set_key(key.data(), static_cast<unsigned int>(key.length()));
    char                m_buffer[1024 * 2]; //  2k internal buffer size
    StreamCipherT m_cipher;

template <typename StreamCipherT>
class StreamCipherEncryptFilter
: public StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>
typedef boost::iostreams::multichar_output_filter_tag category;

StreamCipherEncryptFilter(const std::string& key)
: StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>(key)

template<typename Sink>
std::streamsize write(Sink& snk, const char* s, std::streamsize n)
std::streamsize written = 0;
std::streamsize remain = n;
std::streamsize eat;
while(remain) {
eat = remain < sizeof(StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>::m_buffer) ?
                remain : sizeof(StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>::m_buffer);
written += boost::iostreams::write(snk, StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>::m_buffer, eat);
remain -= eat;
s += eat;
return written;

template <typename StreamCipherT>
class StreamCipherDecryptFilter
: public StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>
typedef boost::iostreams::multichar_input_filter_tag category;

StreamCipherDecryptFilter(const std::string& key)
: StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>(key)

template<typename Source>
std::streamsize read(Source& src, char* s, std::streamsize n)
const std::streamsize read = boost::iostreams::read(src, s, n);
        if(EOF == read) {
            return EOF;
StreamCipherFilterBase<StreamCipherT>::m_cipher.decrypt(s, s, read);
return read;

And compress + encrypt ("out") & decrypt + uncompress ("in"):
(error checking removed for this post)

// Write out data compressing and encrypting as we go
boost::filesystem::ifstream inf(inFile.Get(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in);
boost::filesystem::ofstream outf(outFile.Get(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out);

StreamCipherEncryptFilter<CipherT> outCipherFilter(key);
boost::iostreams::filtering_ostreambuf out;
out.push(boost::iostreams::zlib_compressor()); // compress
out.push(outCipherFilter); // then encrypt
out.push(outf); // write to file

boost::iostreams::copy(inf, out);

//  Write out decrypted and uncompressed data:
boost::filesystem::ifstream inf(inFile.Get(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in);
boost::filesystem::ofstream outf(outFile.Get(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out);

StreamCipherDecryptFilter<CipherT> inCipherFilter(key);
boost::iostreams::filtering_istreambuf in;

boost::iostreams::copy(in, outf); // <--- exception is thrown here for many files; some succeed with input md5 = output md5.

Can anyone help?

Bryan Ashby