
On 24-8-2013 18:07, Lepere Renaud wrote:
> I have an existing geometric structure, and i try to make it usable
> with boost geometry.  I read the documentation for a similar problem
> but i did not success
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/libs/geometry/doc/html/geometry/examples/example__adapting_a_legacy_geometry_object_model.html

My Ring structure is very simple :
> typedef std::vector< Point > Points; struct Ring { Points points; };
> void f() { boost::geometry::concept::check< Geom::Ring >(); } show
> failure since apparently my range does not support a clear() method
> correctly.
The concepts you defined are for readonly rings. If you check <Geom::Ring const>, it should succeed.

Mutable rings should have clear, resize, push_back too. It is indeed missing in the docs, especially here,

will be added.

Regards, Barend