sorry, here the link

2013/8/30 Hernán Leoni <>
hi John
You sould be able to build the binaries

2013/8/30 John Emmas <>
A few months ago I downloaded '' which I probably obtained from Sourceforge:-

I'm using libboost with Visual C++ 8 and up to now the only things I've needed from it are 'boost::regex' and 'boost::shared_ptr'. However I'm now building a 3rd party library which seems to want to link to the above library (libboost_thread-vc80-mt-1_54.lib).  I'm not sure whether it's a static library or the symbols library for a DLL.  Either way, the zip file I downloaded doesn't seem to contain it (nor any other libs or DLLs AFAICT).

Q1)  Is there some other web site I need to visit in order to get the pre-built binaries?

Q2)  I know from past experience that pre-built boost binaries sometimes require quite obscure versions of the MSVC runtime.  That was the case with boost::regex so after a bit of advice from this mailing list, I ended up making a VC project and building it myself.  I don't mind doing the same thing for boost::thread - but I wondered if there was already a suitable project available somewhere?  I don't want to re-invent the wheel if a VC project already exists!  Thanks.

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