Check this out:

In the accepted answer, you can look at option number 2.

I applied the patch the user mentioned in Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2013 RC, and I was able to compile all but 8 of the boost targets (I can't remember which 8, but there were 8 that 'failed').

Patch file can be found here:



On 18/09/13 12:28 PM, Klaim - Joël Lamotte wrote:
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 6:00 PM, LeMay.Steve <> wrote:

Has anyone successfully built Boost 1.54 with VS2013RC?****


Did you have an issue with the build process locating cl ?

I tried but it can't work with boost 1.54 because b2 (bjam) don't have the
VC12 infos,
but it have been added in the svn early.
So basically, if you get the trunk svn or wait for Boost 1.55 is published,
then yes no problem compiling with VS2013 RC.
I'm using the trunk svn right now (from the beginning of last week) with no
problem so far.

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