On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 3:37 AM, ustulation <ustulation@gmail.com> wrote:
class A
/* has signals2::signal(s) for callbacks, fired when completion-handler of
various async operations are invoked (eg., async_read_until etc) */

class B
void registerListenersWith_A()
        /* has member-function listeners submitted to signals of class A eg., auto
self = shared_from_this();
shared_ptr_A->someSig_A.connect([self]{self->mem_func_B();}); */
void disconnectListenersWith_A()
        /* disconnect all boost::signals2::connection(s) made above */

auto shared_ptr_A = std::make_shared< A >();
auto shared_ptr_B = std::make_shared< B >();
give shared_ptr_B a copy of shared_ptr_A for use above.
//....some operations here.....
} //i want pointer managed by shared_ptr_B to be destroyed here in a
thread-safe manner (ie., no pending calls remain from A to B etc.

I'd think about using weak_ptr to break your cyclic shared_ptr object ownership between class A and B.  Also, you can use the track() method on slots to auto-disconnect the member function of class B when it's last owning shared_ptr expires, rather than binding a shared_ptr into the slot.  track() will also prevent the class B object from being destroyed mid-invocation by creating a temporary shared_ptr.

That said, as long as you manually call disconnect at some point, the disconnected slots in the signal will eventually be destroyed during cleanup, either in a later signal::connect call, a later signal invocation, or on signal destruction.