oh i see. I did the same thing myself instead of using track_foreign. In my case the signal is a private member of a class so it's not directly accessible at the site which wants to register a callback. Instead the class with the signal has function exposed so i wonder if using track would be possible. I did something like this:

boost::signals2::connection ClassWithSignal::registerListener(const std::function< void() > &refListener)
return m_signal.connect(refListener);

void SomeListenerClass::funct()
std::weak_ptr< SomeListenerClass > weakSelf = shared_from_this();
[weakSelf]{auto self = weakSelf.lock(); if(self) { self->myCallback(); }}

i did a few alpha test cases and seemed to pass thread safety issues. I guess this should work.

I did not read into track() too much because i thought the registerListener(..) definition above does not permit it, but i don't know if that's true.


On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:07 AM, Scott Mueller [via Boost] <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:47 PM, ustulation wrote:

>I've the following:
><1> a single instance of io_service object with a program life-time and several threads calling it's run() method. io_service::work is given to it so >that it never terminates (unless we stop it).
><2> class A which has   boost::signals2::signal connecting functions for
>callback. * async operations (eg., async_read_until, async_write etc)
><3> class B which   is derived from std::shared_from_this ; * has a
>composition of class A as std::unique_ptr  which is instantiated in B's constructor ; <c> has functions/listeners which are registered with signals >of class A (eg., signals2::connection connectionObj =
><4> Another thread outside the thread-pool of <1> above which instantiates
>(and manages) class B:
>auto ptrB = std::make_shared(); //and further operations.
>The problem is when I need to destroy ptrB I can't. For instance, i call
>some method of class B on ptrB to clear all connections it has with class A
>and allow ptrB to go out of scope, but class B destructor is never called:
>{//local scope
>auto ptrB = std::make_shared();
>/* eg auto self = shared_from_this(); connectionObj =
>uniqPtrA->someSig.connect([=]{self ->listenerFuncOfB();}); referring to <3>
>above */
>//... do some operations
>ptrB->disconnectListenersWithA(); //eg connectionObj.disconnect(); referring
>to <3> above
>}//Scope ends I want ptrB to destroy the underlying pointer.
>The ptrB destructor is never called because signals2::connection::disconnect
>does not seem to wipe out the given slot so the shared_ptr reference of B
>remains with the signal in class A as anonymous functor (due to lambda in
><3> above) containing it does not get destroyed.
>How do I achieve this?

Have you tried to use track_foreign so that boost uses the weak reference of your shared_ptr as an analogue for your connection object? You can even do this with std::shared_ptr, instead of boost::shared_ptr<>, since the traits specializations are in place (with a properly configured environment). Then your connect call looks like this:
// would do something like this
uniqPtrA->someSig.connect(&B::listenerFuncOfB, this).track_foreign(shared_from_this());

If you do all of this, then you can just cut your shared_ptrs free and they'll get destroyed. Signals2 will store a weak_ptr instead, and get rid of that some time afterward.

Best regards,

M. Scott Mueller
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