
I receive an assertion, when I try to use Boost.Log in one of my DLLs.

I have a tools.dll, which contains my logging facility and I tried to implement to logging stuff with Boost.Log.
This tools.dll is referenced by another helper.dll  and both DLLs are used in the application.

However, when I start the application, I get the famous ASSERT.

This happens with Boost 1.54 and Boost.Log as well as with Boost 1.48 and Boost.Log 1.1.

I've digged through lots of mailing lists and old postings today.
What I understood so far, there's an issue with _pRawDllMain pointer in Boost.Thread, some suggested commenting it out in #include <boost/thread/detail/tss_hooks.hpp>, but this leads to memory leaks?
This thread http://lists.boost.org/threads-devel/2009/06/0476.php said it would be fixed after 1.40, but I don't know, if this has been done.
Dynamic linking to Boost as suggested here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5355931/adding-include-boost-thread-mutex-hpp-breaks-my-activex-control did not help.

Any hints, what I should check?
