I have some doubts about your question: are you using the named_acope attribute yet? If that is the case, just needs to include some other tags like the next example

<<boost::log::expressions::format_named_scope(_scope, boost::log::keywords::format =  "%n (%f : %l)")

This line would print something like: "void main() (main.cpp : 25)"

If that is not the case, please, could you be more specific about how did you set your logger? I have been struggling the past weeks with that and I may help you. Best regards! 

El lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013 14:01:29 UTC+2, David Puffer escribió:

Being new to Boost.Log (and Boost in general) I have spent the last few days trying to implement Boost.Log - which
Is working fairly well by now.
However - I encountered one problem that I've not been able to solve by now, although it seems to me quite trivial:

I have successfully registered the "named_scope" attribute and I am populating its value by a call to BOOST_LOG_FUNCTION.
This works well and I can see the function-name in my log-output.
However - I also want the line-number and the file-name, and discovered that there's a possibility to set the output-format of the
"named_scope" attribute (which already incorporates file-name and line-number info) like so:

#include <boost/log/expressions/formatters/named_scope.hpp>

sink->set_formatter(expr::stream << expr::format_named_scope("Scopes", "%n"));

As documented here:


I just don't seem to find any way to get to my sink - which is configured in a settings-file and evaluated by a call to the init_from_stream() function.

Is there any way to query for all the sinks - or get a sink by name? How is one supposed to set a sink formatter for a sink which was generated by the library
and not the user?
Or is there a way to specify the output-format for named attributes via a settings-file as well? As far as I can see it's only possible to format the output of a log record as a
whole - but not single attributes.

Also: Is it correct, that the above function will only set the format for the "Scopes" attribute - which means I could call this function repeatedly for lets say the "TimeStamp" attribute
as well?

Best regards,
