I’m looking to use depth_first_visit to traverse a labeled_graph, but the below code fails to compile due to the absence of ColorMap argument:
depth_first_visit(dependencyGraph, targetDepVertex, visitor(cycleDetector));
error C2780: 'void boost::depth_first_visit(const IncidenceGraph &,graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor,DFSVisitor,ColorMap,TerminatorFunc)' : expects 5 arguments - 3 provided
e:\TR\ToolsRelease\git\boost\1.54.0\src\boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp:320:0 : see declaration of 'boost::depth_first_visit'
error C2780: 'void boost::depth_first_visit(const IncidenceGraph &,graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor,DFSVisitor,ColorMap)' : expects 4 arguments - 3 provided
e:\TR\ToolsRelease\git\boost\1.54.0\src\boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp:309:0 : see declaration of 'boost::depth_first_visit'
On the other hand, depth_first_search compile just fine:
depth_first_search(dependencyGraph, visitor(cycleDetector));
I guess what it comes down to is that a default ColorMap is utilized by depth_first_search. Anyone know how I can access this same default ColorMap (which I can then feed to depth_first_visit())
FYI, my labeled_graph type is defined as follows:
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS , DependencyVertex, DependencyEdge> DependencyGraphInternalType;
typedef boost::labeled_graph<DependencyGraphInternalType, string> DependencyGraphType;
Akeel Laila