2013/11/26 Sébastien Gallou <sebastien.gallou@gmail.com>
Trying to debug into Boost, I'm seeing that in the interruptible_wait function, the test "if(detail::get_current_thread_data() && detail::get_current_thread_data()->interruption_enabled)" doesn't give the same result if code is in DLL (test result is false) or in the main (true).

Looks like TestBoostThread.cpp and Dll.cpp are compiled with different runtime libraries.

Make sure that in properties of each project values of "Configuration Properties"->"C/C++"->"Code Generation"->"Runtime library" are equal. Also make sure that they are set to use DLLs ("Multi-threaded Debug DLL" or "Multi-threaded DLL").

Without that you'll be getting really strange errors all around your binaries, because memory allocated in one binary/dll won't be correctly handled in another dll/binary.

Best regards,
Antony Polukhin